Health and Genetics
One advantage from buying a dog from a responsible breeder is that, like us, they breed only healthy dogs with good personalities, raising the odds of healthy, happy puppies. What genetic ailments do we worry about? This will depend on the breed. Miniature Australian Shepherds are a comparably healthy breed. They have a very low incidence of hip dysplasia, hereditary eye problems, and other health issues that other breeds experience. With Mini Aussies, there is a short list of disorders common in the gene pool that we test for:
MDR is the Multi-Drug Resistance gene that keeps harmful chemicals from the brain. Sometimes the gene mutates to MDR1 leaving a dog unable to remove certain drugs from the brain. This leaves them sensitive to vermectin, Loperamide, and a number of other drugs. Fifty percent of Aussies carry the MDR1 gene, but to be affected, a dog must receive this gene from both parents. Carriers (only one copy of the gene) can still be sensitive to high doses. It is best for Miniature Australian Shepherds to avoid the drugs MDR1 causes sensitivity to - just to be safe. Drugs to avoid are Ivermectin (antiparasitic agent), Heartguard, Digoxin (heart drug), Acepromazine (tranquilizer), Loperamide (antidiarrheal agent), Doxorubicin, Vinblastine, Vincristine (anti-cancer agents), Cyctosporin (immunosuppressive agent) and Butorphanol (pain control). Our dogs are tested for MDR1 or cleared by parentage. If a dog carries an MDR1 gene, it will never be bred with another dog carrying that gene.
DM (Degenerative Myelopathy)
This a disease of the spinal cord that happens in older dogs. It causes progressive paralysis. A dog that is a carrier (one gene) will not be affected by the disease. A dog that has 2 copies of the gene is in trouble. We do not breed a DM carrier with another DM carrier in order to avoid this awful disease in future generations.
PRA-PRCD (Progressive retinal Atrophy, progressive Rod-cone degeneration)
Dogs affected by this will progressively lose their vision. Genetic testing prevents this gene from being passed on. All our dogs are clear for PRA-PRCD so no puppies from our homes will have this terrible disease.
Hereditary Cataracts
The HSF4 gene can cause cataracts and sometimes leads to blindness. Even one copy can cause this condition. Our dogs are all clear for Hereditary Cataracts and none of our puppies will carry this gene. (Note that other things can cause cataracts - they are not all hereditary).